Mrs. Bafus is the test coordinator and can be contacted at [email protected]. Her office is in the Career Center (room 125A).
About the WRA
Junior or senior students who have taken two or more Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses in their high school careers are required to take a 60-minute exam called the Workplace Readiness Assessment (WRA). Historically MHS students have done well on the exam. With a score of 75% or better, you will earn the National Workplace Readiness Skills Certificate. This is a great addition to your resume and your participation helps our school secure future funding for CTE courses. This assessment blueprint provides an overview.
When is the exam?
Mrs. Bafus will coordinate with students and teachers toward the end of each semester to take the exam.
Who is required to take the WRA?
All junior or senior students who have enrolled or completed at least their second Career and Technical Education (CTE) course (grades 9-12) must take the WRA.
What is the WRA?
The WRA measures a student’s understanding of the career readiness standards in terms of personal, professional, and technical knowledge and skills. The standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important.
What is the benefit to students?
Upon passing the WRA with a 75% or greater score, students will receive a certification called the National Workplace Readiness Skills Certification, which documents mastery of the Industry-Certified Workplace Readiness Skills. In addition, a digital badge is awarded through Idaho SkillStack.
How does the State use this data?
Idaho Career and Technical Education uses the data to assess program quality and make program improvements. It is also a measure for Perkins grant reporting and helps ensure funding for our CTE courses continues.
Do I need to prepare for the WRA? No.
How long is the test?
The WRA is a computer-based test that is 60 minutes in length and the test results are instant upon submitting the exam. If you have a 504 accommodation, Individual Education Plan, or are an English language learner you will have an additional 90 minutes to take the exam.
Do I need a calculator?
No, there is a calculator available online.
Are there sample questions?
Yes, sample questions can be found under student quizzes at this link:
Can I take the exam online?
Yes, it is an online exam. You will need to take it at the scheduled time that Mrs. Bafus will coordinate with you and your teacher.
Will the exam affect my grades?
No. The exam is a tool so that our CTE programs can know how they are doing and will help ensure future funding for our CTE courses offered at MHS.