MHS Test Coordinator is Mrs. Bafus ([email protected]); her office is in the Career Center (Room 125A).

Parent notification letter from College Board regarding personally identifiable information collected, free score sends, and their Student Search Service.

PSAT:  Practice or Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
NMSQT:  National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test

Exam registration:  Instructions are in the bulletin and advertised on school TVs and posters.

Exam cost:  The State of Idaho will pay for students to take a preliminary college entrance exam one time.  All sophomores are covered, and juniors taking the exam a second time will need to submit payment to the Counseling Center before the test.  Updated amounts will be reflected on flyers at school.   

Exam date & time:  Mid-October at 8:10 a.m.  The standard test will conclude at approximately 11:00 a.m.  Accommodated testing will take longer and those students will be contacted directly to confirm times and test room assignments.

Makeup exam:
  A makeup exam may be scheduled with a doctor's note or a pre-arrangement made with the test coordinator.  Home school students may also test at the makeup exam.  Contact the test coordinator to register.

What is the PSAT/NMSQT?  The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that is taken in October.  It measures the knowledge and skills in reading, writing, and math students learn in the classroom, and scores measure college readiness.  Junior students who take the exam can qualify for scholarships through the NMSQT.  The NMSQT is an academic competition for recognition and college scholarships that began in 1955.  Typically, high school juniors are eligible to enter the scholarship program by taking the PSAT/NMSQT which serves as an initial screening each year for 8,600 scholarship awards.  The top one percent of test-takers per state may be eligible to participate in the National Merit Scholarship competition.  Corporations and colleges sponsor the scholarships.  Top scores on the test can qualify students not only for the National Merit Scholarship program but also for substantial scholarships at many different colleges. Read more about the NMSQT.  

Who takes the PSAT/NMSQT?  The exam is optional for sophomores and juniors.

Benefits of taking the exam:  Taking the exam as a sophomore will allow you to become familiar with the test layout and help you know what to expect for the SAT and what is important for you to learn about in school for the exam.  For juniors, it is another practice opportunity for the SAT and it is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program.  Every time you take the test you will get better at it.  The format and content of the PSAT/NMSQT is almost the same as the SAT (Khan Academy).

The information below is the same as SAT:

Test length
:  The SAT is 3 hours and the PSAT is 2 hours 45 minutes.  These times do not include breaks or administration time for instructions.  

Do I need to study?  You can.  Usually, studying for a test increases your chances of getting a better score.  Khan Academy has detailed SAT information, practice, and diagnostic tools that can help you focus your studying on your areas of need.  If you decide to study, set up a realistic schedule, and take a break the night before the test (Khan Academy). 

Supplies to bring:  Students should bring a College Board-acceptable calculator.  All questions can be answered without a calculator.  Bring a water bottle and your own snack if you want.  Grab-n-go snacks will be available.

Prohibited devices:  Phones must be turned off and zipped in backpacks; which cannot be accessed until the exam is over.  Students may wear a regular type watch with NO alarm.  Smartwatches of any kind are prohibited. 

Guessing:  There is no penalty for guessing or blank responses.  This is known as "rights-only scoring".

Student guide:  Reading the student guide will help you understand how each section of the test is presented and will tell you what to expect.  Sections of the test include evidence-based reading and writing, writing and language, and math.  

Bluebook App:  The P/SAT is taken with the College Board's Bluebook App.  Students can test with a school-issued Chromebook or their personal computer (personal Chromebooks will not work).  School-issued Chromebooks have Bluebook preinstalled.  If a student chooses to use their personal computer they will need to download the Bluebook app ahead of time.

Khan  Khan Academy is the official practice provider and has online resources to study for the P/SAT. They have practice tests, diagnostics, and instruction. Khan will use your PSAT scores and run your diagnostics report so you can work on the areas you need the most.  Khan Academy is available using the Bluebook app with a student's College Board login or test ticket provided by the test coordinator.  Students can also go directly to their website at

Home & virtual school students:  Students from other schools may test on the makeup test day.  The test coordinator will need to register you.  Please provide the following information:  First name, last name, date of birth, gender, grade, College Board school code, and state student i.d. (optional).  Payment for the exam must be made by the registration deadline.  Bring a check or exact currency to the test coordinator at the high school.  It is best to borrow a school Chromebook for the exam to ensure wifi connectivity.