Family Resources

MHS School Counselors can help students in need of food, clothing, or supplies to safeguard their social/emotional and academic development.  

Food Backpack Program

The Food Backpack program is supported by the Idaho Food Bank.  The Counseling Office sends backpacks home with students in need on Fridays; these include snacks and meals that are easy to prepare.  There is no cost or obligation for the family.  If your family would benefit from this program, your student can ask an MHS school counselor to be added to the list.

MHS Food Pantry

An Idaho Food Bank School Pantry (grant funded by the Latah County Community Foundation) is conveniently located in the Moscow High School to help you get food for your family for no charge.  We are thankful for our partnership with the Idaho Food Bank and local donors.  To access the food pantry, stop in during  a scheduled pantry date/time using the 5th street entrance. We can then help you build a box for your family. 

To access the Food Pantry by appointment or for more information, contact Diana Hicke or Dee Bishop at 208-882-2591.


Purposity is a mobile app that pairs Moscow students in need with a network of generous donors from the community.  Students who need something can ask an MHS counselor to submit an anonymous request for them.  Donors then see the request through the Purposity app, which is available on through the App Store or Google Play.

Homeless Support

Moscow School District seeks to ensure the educational rights and protections for youth experiencing homelessness.

Who is a homeless student?

  • A student who lacks a fixed, regular, and/or adequate nighttime residence;
  • A student who lives with friends or relatives, including grandparents, due to the loss of home or economic hardship;
  • A student living in a motel, camp ground, shelter, car, abandoned building, or awaiting foster care placement. In other words, a student who spends nights in a place not designed for regular and fixed sleeping accommodations.

If you believe that your child may meet the criteria above, please contact your child's counselor to find out more about available supports:

Charlene Jakich
Class of 2024
Class of 2026 P-Z
Diana Hicke
Class of 2025
Class of 2026 A-F
Wes Andrews
Class of 2023
Class of 2026 G-O